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Tiny Framework

Tiny Framework

Ši tema nebuvo atnaujinta ilgiau nei 2 metus. Ji tikriausiai nėra prižiūrima ir palaikoma, todėl gali įvykti klaidų ją naudojant su naujausiomis WordPress versijomis.

  • Versija 2.3.1
  • Last updated 2 liepos, 2017
  • Active installations 3 000+
  • WordPress version 4.4

Tiny Framework tema buvo sukurta, žvelgiant į ateitį: apjungiant geriausias standartinių WordPress temų savybes. pridedant palaikymą neįgaliesiems ir struktūrizuotų duomenų žymėjimą (Structured Data Markup) su Schema.org mikro duomenų formato palaikymu. Nuosekli temos dokumentacija (anglų k.) garantuoja greitą startą! Tiny Framework features elegant responsive mobile-first design of Twenty Twelve, HTML5 ready structure of Underscores, many improvements from Twenty Fifteen, custom per-post headers, three footer widgets, FontAwesome icon webfont and Google Fonts support. Web developers will enjoy integrated Theme Hook Alliance custom action hooks. It’s all there, you have everything in one neat package. Theme supports Site Logo feature on WordPress.com, that is available with Jetpack plugin for self-hosted sites (can be also installed as a stand-alone plugin). Along with the main theme you will find an example of a child theme – an easy way to start developing with child themes! Tiny Framework can be used as a learning tool or your own little web development „framework”. With its unique „Coding Tips System” Tiny Framework helps to understand how to extend parent themes and build your own child themes, hacking them the way you want. You get the best coding examples from default WordPress themes and the best hacks from the child theme. Please read readme.txt for a quick start guide, tips and tricks. For more information please see: http://mtomas.com/1/

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