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Commercial theme

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Tai temos DarkNews potemė.

  • Versija 1.0.3
  • Last updated 29 lapkričio, 2024
  • Active installations 900+
  • PHP version 5.6

Newsnal, designed for news media publishers, is perfect for online newspapers, blogs, and magazines. With its modern design, main banner section, and dynamic thumb-grid layout featuring a refreshed color scheme, Newsnal offers easy setup with one-click import and free starting pages. Fully widgetized with 9+ custom widgets and areas, it ensures effective content management. Enjoy real-time customization with the live customizer. Compatible with Elementor, Gutenberg blocks, RTL languages, and WooCommerce, Newsnal is ideal for news portals, journals, and online stores. Engineered for SEO, Newsnal boosts search engine rankings and provides excellent support. Discover more by viewing the Newsnal details: https://afthemes.com/products/newsnal/, demo: https://demos.afthemes.com/darknews/newsnal/, and checking out the documentation: https://docs.afthemes.com/darknews/.

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Aktyvių instaliacijų: 900+


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