News Base
Ši tema nebuvo atnaujinta ilgiau nei 2 metus. Ji tikriausiai nėra prižiūrima ir palaikoma, todėl gali įvykti klaidų ją naudojant su naujausiomis WordPress versijomis.
News Base is a clean, creative and modern WordPress theme with an elegant, carefully crafted design. The clean and uncluttered design invites your users to lose themselves in the creative space you have brought to life. News Base is excellent for news portal, newspaper, magazine, or publishing site. Make your content more appealing, engaging and usable.
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Aktyvių instaliacijų: 300+
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This theme is available in the following languages: English (Australia), English (Canada), English (New Zealand), English (US), English (South Africa), Español de Colombia, Español de Ecuador, Español ir Español de Venezuela.