Melos Business
Commercial theme
Ši tema yra nemokama, tačiau ji turi mokamus papildinius ar pagalbą.
Tai temos Melos potemė.
Melos Business is the free version of the multi-purpose professional theme (Melos Pro) ideal for a business or blog website. The theme has a responsive layout, HD retina ready and comes with a powerful theme options panel with can be used to make awesome changes without touching any code. The theme also comes with a full width easy to use slider. Easily add a logo to your site and create a beautiful homepage using the built-in homepage layout.
Juoda, Tinklaraštis, Mėlyna, Custom background, Custom header, Custom menu, Tamsi, E-commerce, Švietimas, Pramogos, Featured images, Fiksuotas išdėstymas, Flexible header, Lankstus išdėstymas, Footer widgets, Full width template, Pilka, Grid layout, Left sidebar, Šviesi, Naujienos, One column, Oranžinė, Fotografija, Portfolio, Post formats, Raudona, Prisitaikantis išdėstymas, Right sidebar, Sticky post, Theme options, Threaded comments, Three columns, Translation ready, Two columns, Balta
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This theme is available in the following languages: English (US) ir Nederlands.