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Linia Magazine

Linia Magazine

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Tai temos Twenty Fourteen potemė.

  • Versija 1.1.0
  • Last updated 26 vasario, 2015
  • Active installations 20+

A fullscreen, modern, elegant responsive Magazine style theme based on Twenty Fourteen using Google Opensans, inspired from Dribbble Freebie with main focus on readability using zero configuration (out of the box) WordPress Philosophy. Also provide Postformats support to better present your content. Theme is designed using HTML5/CSS3 to take advantage of features provided by Modern Browsers. Please use High Resolution images (1920×540) for featured images to get excellent result. Theme provides basic styling for Mailchimp List Signup Widget & Social Count Plus; you can visit live demo at http://simpleux.co.uk/wordpress/themes/linia/


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