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Coffee Block

Coffee Block

Commercial theme

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  • Versija 1.1
  • Last updated 10 lapkričio, 2023
  • Active installations 500+
  • WordPress version 5.0
  • PHP version 5.6

Coffee Block makes use of full screen editing options given by Gutenberg block editor. Coffee block template can be used for cafe, tea, milk, roasters, bakeries, restaurants, eateries, food, chef, cuisines, bar, drinking, dining, recipe, muffins, chocolates, pastries, sandwiches, pizza, bistro, barista, cafeteria, roastery, beverage, roasters, coffeehouse and others. WooCommerce friendly, contact form 7 compatible for call to action and SEO plugins friendly. Easy to use, customize, responsive and flexible and scalable.


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Aktyvių instaliacijų: 500+



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