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Ši tema nebuvo atnaujinta ilgiau nei 2 metus. Ji tikriausiai nėra prižiūrima ir palaikoma, todėl gali įvykti klaidų ją naudojant su naujausiomis WordPress versijomis.

  • Versija 2.5
  • Last updated 13 gruodžio, 2020
  • Active installations 100+
  • PHP version 5.5

Bizplan is an enticing and visually stimulating, tender and polished, professional and responsive WordPress creative multipurpose theme based on Bootstrap framework. Bizplan is modern theme fit for creative individuals, agency, blog, business, company, corporate, and professional portfolio. The design is very elegant and modern, and also very easy to customize. Build your own website with our awesome Bizplan! For Demo: https://keonthemes.com/theme-demo/?id=NjM5fGJpenBsYW58Qml6cGxhbg= and more Detail: https://keonthemes.com/downloads/bizplan

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Aktyvių instaliacijų: 100+