Šis įskiepis nebuvo išbandytas su 3 vėliausiomis WordPress versijomis. Jis tikriausiai nėra prižiūrimas ir palaikomas, todėl gali neveikti su naujausiomis WordPress versijomis.

WP Dev Dashboard


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Some of WP Dev Dashboard’s features are being ported over to the v3 WordPress plugin directory!

WP Dev Dashboard takes improves upon the default plugin/theme interfaces for authors, and allows you to easily:

  1. View and respond to all of your unresolved plugin & theme support requests.
  2. View useful statistics for all of your plugins & themes.

The default wordpress.org plugin/theme author dashboards can be difficult to parse, particularly if you have authored numerous plugins and/or themes that generate a large number of support requests. This plugin allows you to easily view and respond to your unresolved plugin and theme support requests in a simple, easy-to-use interface. Additionally, you can view all of your plugin/theme statistics (version, WP compatibility, downloads, ratings, etc) in a sortable table that makes side-by-side comparison a cinch.


  • Displays plugin and theme support requests in sortable, collapsible metaboxes for ease of use.
  • Displays all plugins and themes in a sortable, easy-to-parse table.
  • Select which plugins and themes to show by username and/or slug.
  • Choose whether to show all support tickets, or just unresolved ones.
  • Implements caching to reduce load time for plugin and theme support ticket information.
  • Includes cache-busting „refresh” option to force refresh plugin and theme support ticket data.

Coming soon. . .

WP Dev Dashboard is intended to be the go-to resource for WordPress plugin and theme authors looking for a better management experience. The below list includes additional features for future development, features that are intended to make WordPress developers’ lives as easy as possible. If you have an idea for a feature you’d like to see, please submit it via the support forum.

  • Import unresolved Github issues as well as standard wordpress.org forum tickets.

Ekrano nuotraukos

  • Viewing support requests for plugins/themes.
  • The easy-to-parse plugin/theme statistics tables.
  • WP Dev Dashboard’s settings.


  1. Install the plugin.
  2. Navigate to Dev Dashboard in the admin menu.
  3. Enter your wordpress.org username in the Settings tab.
  4. After a moment, your plugin & theme data will load in corresponding tabs.
  5. Order and collapse/expand your plugin and theme metaboxes as desired – their state will be saved.
  6. Resolve some support requests!


3 rugsėjo, 2016
Great plugin, hopefully something similar gets added in V3 of the repository this June. There are 3 things that would help to make it more useful: – a cut off date for support threads, so that you could pull say just ones that are unresolved in the last week – threads marked as „not a support question” not coming up in the unresolved list – the ability to hide certain unresolved issues, so that ones you know you won’t answer stop appearing in the list I imagine the last one would be more challenging. Thanks again for a really useful dev plugin.
3 rugsėjo, 2016
This plugin is great I should really give it 5 stars but it takes up a top level menu items when is unnecessary and bad practice. Otherwise completely brilliant
3 rugsėjo, 2016
This is a kind of dashboard/service WordPress developers need, WordPress support forum + plugin repository sucks. Is it going to evolve? Which new features are you planning? Anyway, 5 stars!
3 rugsėjo, 2016
I have been feeling the need for something that will help me keep track of my WordPress.org items from one panel. Now we got something that works. Wow!
Perskaityti visus atsiliepimus (5)

Programuotojai ir komandos nariai

“WP Dev Dashboard” yra atviro kodo programa. Prie jos sukūrimo prisidėję žmonės surašyti toliau.


Pakeitimų istorija


  • Add ability to order plugins/themes tabs.


  • Fix parsing issue with updated support forum markup. (@gregross)
  • Clean up PHP warnings/notices. (@gregross)
  • Improve error handling. (@gregross)
  • Add number formatting to the statistics chart. (@gregross)


  • Minor CSS improvement to prevent table header wrapping (still wraps at intermediate screen sizes).
  • Bump $this->version.


  • Add new „statistics” sub-tab for both plugins and themes.


  • Added dynamic Ajax loading of uncached data to improve page load speed and prevent delays.


  • Add ability to show all support tickets (both resolved and unresolved).
  • Add ability to manually add plugin & theme slugs to view in addition to those by a certain user.
  • Improve metabox count indicator for resolved and unresolved tickets.


  • First release