This plugin has been closed as of 27 liepos, 2023 and is not available for download. Reason: Saugumo klaida.
25 sausio, 2021
I’ve tested a couple of other plugins but they simply didn’t work or only worked well with their premium versions.
This plugin worked great for Google and Facebook login (only tested this two). Easy to style and worked great with minimum effort.
2 gruodžio, 2020
Very bad documentation and don’t work at all.
9 spalio, 2020
It works just fine now! Thank you!
12 rugpjūčio, 2020
1 reply
Appreciate the efforts of the developer. Miled has made it clear in the documentation that this is a labour of love and they may discontinue support at any time. Unfortunately it seems that time has come. The plugin no longer works with Wordpress 5.4.
21 birželio, 2020
Use to be good but on Wordpress 5.4.2 it causes the site to crash and requires recovery mode to delete plugin.
E_COMPILE_ERROR on line 178
31 kovo, 2020
1 reply
Not working anymore. (with Google API, Gplus and people api)
Programuotojai ir komandos nariai
“WordPress Social Login” yra atviro kodo programa. Prie jos sukūrimo prisidėję žmonės surašyti toliau.
AutoriaiĮskiepis “WordPress Social Login” išverstas į 16 kalbų. Dėkojame vertėjams už jų darbą.
Išverskite “WordPress Social Login” į savo kalbą.
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