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WooCommerce Purchase Analysis


This module help to know purchase analysis , product quantity with all orders with respective of price and total. simple as well as Variable products quantity analysis. Customer can also analyse products by particular year and categories.


- Customer purchase analysis report in “My Account” section.
- Report on all products in your orders and limit the report to only selected year.
- Filter by years , products and category.
- Report every single product in all orders with quantity. 
- Graph display payment method, category and product – quantity details in chart format.
- Work with simple product and variable products.


Can i change product count which display in „My Purchase” tab ?

No, there is no options for number of products.


Įskiepis neturi atsiliepimų.

Programuotojai ir komandos nariai

“WooCommerce Purchase Analysis” yra atviro kodo programa. Prie jos sukūrimo prisidėję žmonės surašyti toliau.


Pakeitimų istorija


  • 06/06/2019
  • first version release