Plugin Tag: user
User Role Editor
(Viso įvertinimų: 278)User Role Editor WordPress plugin makes user roles and capabilities changing easy. Edit/add/delete WordPress user roles and capabilities.
Manage Notification E-mails
(Viso įvertinimų: 52)Enable and disable email notifications that WordPress sends to the admin and user. Works perfectly with many other plugins!
Bulk Delete
(Viso įvertinimų: 129)Bulk delete posts, pages, users, attachments and meta fields based on different conditions and filters.
Login as User
(Viso įvertinimų: 32)Login as User is a free WordPress plugin that helps admins switch user accounts instantly to check data.
Meks Smart Author Widget
(Viso įvertinimų: 8)Easily display your author/user profile info inside WordPress widget.
Simple User Avatar
(Viso įvertinimų: 18)Simple User Avatar helps users to add or remove their avatar using images from his Media Library.
User Activity Log
(Viso įvertinimų: 55)Log all activity of users and get notified when user login to admin area.
Controlled Admin Access
(Viso įvertinimų: 41)Give a temporarily limited admin access to themes designers, plugins developers and support agents.
PublishPress Permissions: Control User Access for Posts, Pages, Categories, Tags
(Viso įvertinimų: 55)With PublishPress Permissions you can enable or deny access to posts, pages, categories, tags and more. You can apply these permissions for user roles …
Easy Username Updater
(Viso įvertinimų: 31)A plugin to change registered username and display name.
WP Login Form
(Viso įvertinimų: 12)Create a WordPress login form and add it to your post, page or sidebar
WP Approve User
(Viso įvertinimų: 40)Adds action links to user table to approve or unapprove user registrations.
Hide This
(Viso įvertinimų: 49)This plugin provides a shortcode that lets you hide some parts of the content from your posts and pages.
Disable User Login
(Viso įvertinimų: 4)Provides the ability to disable user accounts and prevent them from logging in.
Leira Letter Avatar
(Viso įvertinimų: 22)Automatically generate beautiful user avatars using their initial letters.
Simple Client Dashboard
(Viso įvertinimų: 25)Restrict permissions with Simple Client Dashboard. Our new "Admin" user role between Administrator and Editor is perfect for clients and Webmasters.