Plugin Tag: object cache
Redis Object Cache
(Viso įvertinimų: 163)A persistent object cache backend powered by Redis®¹. Supports Predis, PhpRedis, Relay, replication, sentinels, clustering and WP-CLI.
Docket Cache – Object Cache Accelerator
(Viso įvertinimų: 45)Supercharge your website using a persistent object cache, accelerates caching with OPcache backend.
APCu Manager
(Viso įvertinimų: 15)APCu statistics and management right in the WordPress admin dashboard.
Object Cache 4 everyone
(Viso įvertinimų: 26)Memcached or disk backend support for the WP Object Cache. Memcached server running and PHP Memcached class needed for better performance.
SQLite Object Cache
(Viso įvertinimų: 31)A persistent object cache backend for the rest of us, powered by SQLite.
Simple Cache
(Viso įvertinimų: 57)A very simple plugin to make your site run lightning fast with caching.
atec Cache Info
(Viso įvertinimų: 6)Show all system caches, status and statistics (OPcache, WP-object-cache, JIT, APCu, Memcached, Redis, SQLite-object-cache).
Cache Warmer
(Viso įvertinimų: 16)Visits website pages to warm (create) the cache if you have any caching solutions configured.
Memcached Redux
(Viso įvertinimų: 9)Uses the Memcached class (not the Memcache class) to implement WP Object Cache
Tribe Object Cache
(Viso įvertinimų: 2)Quickly and easily add object cache support that works across environments. All you have to do is activate the plugin and your install will immediatel …
APC Object Cache Backend
(Viso įvertinimų: 14)APC Object Cache provides a persistent memory-based backend for the WordPress object cache. APC must be available on your PHP install.
{eac}Doojigger ObjectCache – SQLite powered WP_Object_Cache Drop-in.
(Viso įvertinimų: 1){eac}ObjectCache is a drop-in persistent object cache using a SQLite database to cache WordPress objects.