Plugin Tag: files
File Manager Pro – Filester
(Viso įvertinimų: 129)Advanced File Manager and Code Editor. Best WordPress file manager without FTP access. No need to upgrade because this is PRO version.
Media Cleaner: Clean your WordPress!
(Viso įvertinimų: 664)Clean your WordPress! Eliminate unused and broken media files. For a faster, and better website.
Clean Image Filenames
(Viso įvertinimų: 21)This plugin automatically converts language accent characters to non-accent characters in filenames when uploading to the media library.
File Upload Types by WPForms
(Viso įvertinimų: 18)Easily allow WordPress to accept and upload any file type extension or MIME type, including custom file types.
Download Attachments
(Viso įvertinimų: 46)Download Attachments is a new approach to managing downloads in WordPress. It allows you to easily add and display download links in any post or page.
Custom Upload Dir
(Viso įvertinimų: 25)Keeps your uploaded files organized in smart folder structures.
WP Synchro – WordPress Migration Plugin for Database & Files
(Viso įvertinimų: 28)WordPress migration plugin that migrates files, database, media, plugins, themes and whatever you want.
Media File Sizes
(Viso įvertinimų: 15)Easily see how much disk space (in KB, MB, & a percentage of your quota) each of your uploaded files takes up.
WordPress File Monitor
(Viso įvertinimų: 12)Monitor your website for added, changed and deleted files! Track changes in all website directories and get email alerts! Stay secure for free!
Overwrite Uploads
(Viso įvertinimų: 8)Overwrites files with the same name and folder when uploading, instead of storing multiple copies with unique filenames.
WP Sanitize Accented Uploads
(Viso įvertinimų: 2)Simple plugin which removes accented characters from uploaded files.
Hotlink File Prevention
(Viso įvertinimų: 7)Simple hotlink protection for individual files in the media library.
AAM Protected Media Files
(Viso įvertinimų: 2)Add-on to the free Advanced Access Manager plugin that protects media files from direct access for visitors, roles or users
Media Library Downloader
(Viso įvertinimų: 3)Download multiples files / media in one click, from the WordPress media library
Ultimate media cleaner
(Viso įvertinimų: 3)Find used medias from you from the database and/or your upload folder and give the way to delete them the ones "unused"