Plugin Tag: expire
Show/Hide Content at Set Time
(Viso įvertinimų: 33)Shortcodes to wrap around text, which specify at what date or time that content should appear or disappear, either once, or on a recurring basis.
WP Post Expires
(Viso įvertinimų: 14)Plugin adds post expires time after which will be performed actions: add prefix to title, move to drafts or trash.
Expire Sticky Posts
(Viso įvertinimų: 2)A simple plugin that allows you to set an expiration date on posts. Once a post is expired, it will no longer be sticky.
Auto Prune Posts
(Viso įvertinimų: 10)Auto deletes expires (prunes) posts after a certain amount of time. On a per category basis (single category, or all at once.
WooCommerce Cart Stock Reducer
(Viso įvertinimų: 35)Allow WooCommerce inventory stock to be reduced when adding items to cart and/or expire items from the cart
VA Simple Expires
(Viso įvertinimų: 7)This is the fork of Simple Expires created by Mr. abmcr. Simple plugin which can set up the term of validity.
Expiring Posts
(Viso įvertinimų: 2)This plugin adds functionality to expire a post on a given date.
Simple Post Expiration
(Viso įvertinimų: 7)A simple plugin that allows you to set an expiration date on posts. Once a post is expired, "Expired" will be prefixed to the post title.
Simple Expires
(Viso įvertinimų: 2)Enable Posts and Pages to automatically expire and change at a certain time, and provide notification of expiration.
Content Scheduler
(Viso įvertinimų: 8)Schedule content to automatically expire and change at a certain time, and notify people of expiration.
Password Protection Expiration
(Viso įvertinimų: 6)Allows you to easily change the lifetime of the WordPress cookie which allows automatic login to password-protected posts.
Media Expirator
(Viso įvertinimų: 1)Media Expirator plugin allows users to set expiration dates for media library items.
Expire posts
(Viso įvertinimų: 2)Automatic post expirator for WordPress (with custom-post-type support). NO LONGER IN ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT OR SUPPORT.
TIEexpire Automated Post Expiry
(Viso įvertinimų: 1)Expires posts based on multiple criteria, with category and post status options. Sends notifications to users and admin on demand.
TIEdupedeleter Simple Duplicate Post Deleter
(Viso įvertinimų: 1)Simple duplicate post deleter. Trashes duplicate posts based on status and category. Keeps newest or oldest original copy.
TIEtools Automatic Maintenance Kit
(Viso įvertinimų: 3)Automatic post and image expiry, duplicate post detection and server log deletion to keep your site clean and efficient.
(Viso įvertinimų: 2)Automatically unpublish or unsticky a post on a specified date and time. Simple interface for ease of use.
Auto Post Expire
(Viso įvertinimų: 0)Sets an expiration date for posts, auto moving them to draft after the set period.