Plugin Tag: BASIC
Click to Call Button
(Viso įvertinimų: 1)Small floating click to call phone button for your website
Material Admin Theme
(Viso įvertinimų: 12)Material blue theme for wordpress admin. Flat design, improved contrast. Have your backend look like 2015.
Elemental Calculator
(Viso įvertinimų: 3)Insert a simple calculator in your WordPress website with a widget or the shortcode [elemental_calculator].
Very Basic Google Fonts
(Viso įvertinimų: 0)The simple, bare-bones way to include Google Fonts to the wp_head(). It isn’t fancy but it gets the job done.
WordPress Easy Maintenance
(Viso įvertinimų: 0)An easy way to display a maintenance page while editing your site ?
WP Basic Info Plugin
(Viso įvertinimų: 0)Plugin to show basic information of Wordpress setup and associated plugins on Admin side
Update Your Footer WP
(Viso įvertinimų: 0)Simple and lightweight WordPress shortcode plugin to automatically update your footer year notice. No annoying ads!