

This plugin has been closed as of 29 sausio, 2025 and is not available for download. This closure is temporary, pending a full review.


Šis įskiepis suteikia 1 bloką.

  • Stock Prices Chart


22 vasario, 2018
After having been a user for a month, the quota for the chart becomes lesser. Available calls for the free version is too limited at 500 requests and will drop further after the first month. It’s also not possible to sustain in the long run as the purchase option for monthly/yearly pricing is unreasonable.
16 rugsėjo, 2017
with 500 call / day for all plugins this ‘free’ version is useless and just a trap
3 rugsėjo, 2016
Great support and plugin works nicely! Just what I wanted
Perskaityti visus atsiliepimus (7)

Programuotojai ir komandos nariai

“Stockdio Historical Chart” yra atviro kodo programa. Prie jos sukūrimo prisidėję žmonės surašyti toliau.
