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SHK Hide Title


A Plugin To disable title for pages in WordPress, You can use the header class yourself so it works for all themes


13 birželio, 2023 1 reply
Please update this or remove from catalog. it’s not working anymore.
29 gegužės, 2023
Lo instale lo active y no modifico absolutamente nada, ni se molesten en instalarlo
11 kovo, 2023 1 reply
Does not work. 4 year old plugin that does the same thing works, but not this fresh one?
3 sausio, 2023
tested with wordpress 6.1.1 it works fine without errors
Perskaityti visus atsiliepimus (12)

Programuotojai ir komandos nariai

“SHK Hide Title” yra atviro kodo programa. Prie jos sukūrimo prisidėję žmonės surašyti toliau.


Pakeitimų istorija

7/8/2015 version 1.0.1
[!] fixed the bug of class

31/12/2015 version 1.0.2
[!] Added Customizer option to enter the header class

31/12/2015 version 1.0.3
– Added Customizer option to enter the header id that you wanted to Hide
– Added the option to disable the post title too.

20/12/2021 version 1.0.4
– Added support to disable guttenberg title

23/03/2023 version 1.0.5
– Fixed bug for 404
– Fixed support issues with guttenberg titles