Šis įskiepis nebuvo išbandytas su 3 vėliausiomis WordPress versijomis. Jis tikriausiai nėra prižiūrimas ir palaikomas, todėl gali neveikti su naujausiomis WordPress versijomis.

Pending Submission Notifications


This enables email notifications of pending review submissions. By default the email goes to the admin email set on your Settings page.

You can set the email(s) that should receive these notifications Under Settings>Pending Submission Notifications. You can add multiple email addresses, using commas to separate them.

When a submission is approved by an admin, an email notification is sent to the contributor.

For more info visit http://lifeofadesigner.com/

Ekrano nuotraukos

  • Change email address that receives the notifications.


  1. Upload the pending-submission-notifications folder to to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. This is optional – change the email address that should receive notifications under Settings>Pending Submission Notifications.


Installation Instructions
  1. Upload the pending-submission-notifications folder to to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. This is optional – change the email address that should receive notifications under Settings>Pending Submission Notifications.


10 lapkričio, 2016 1 reply
Very useful feature for the site with many writers/editors.
19 rugsėjo, 2016 1 reply
Does what it says on the tin, nice and simply. Then the client wants ‘selective pending submissions’, depending on who the user is! Maybe for the next release?
Perskaityti visus atsiliepimus (12)

Programuotojai ir komandos nariai

“Pending Submission Notifications” yra atviro kodo programa. Prie jos sukūrimo prisidėję žmonės surašyti toliau.


Įskiepis “Pending Submission Notifications” išverstas į 5 kalbas. Dėkojame vertėjams už jų darbą.

Išverskite “Pending Submission Notifications” į savo kalbą.

Domina programavimas?

Peržiūrėkite kodą, naršykite SVN repozitorijoje, arba užsiprenumeruokite kodo pakeitimų žurnalą per RSS.

Pakeitimų istorija


*Added support for internationalization.


*Added information about last user to edit the post and the timestamp of last edit.


*Initial release