Protect and sell your content, perfect for subscription sites, or selling individual downloadable products.
Features Include:
- Unlimited membership levels/products
- Automatically creates member accounts
- Create free levels or sell access through Paypal
- Customized welcome emails
- Single view content protection settings screen
Ekrano nuotraukos
- Upload membership-site.zip to the \wp-content\plugins\ directory.
- Activate the plugin through the „Plugins” menu in WordPress.
- Visit Our Knowledgebase for instructions on how to setup a membership site using our plugin.
Where can I find more instructions on how to use this plugin?
Įskiepis neturi atsiliepimų.
Programuotojai ir komandos nariai
“MemberSonic Lite Membership Site Plugin” yra atviro kodo programa. Prie jos sukūrimo prisidėję žmonės surašyti toliau.
AutoriaiIšverskite “MemberSonic Lite Membership Site Plugin” į savo kalbą.
Domina programavimas?
Peržiūrėkite kodą, naršykite SVN repozitorijoje, arba užsiprenumeruokite kodo pakeitimų žurnalą per RSS.
Pakeitimų istorija
- Initial release to the WordPress Repository.
- Fixed issue with plugin folder name.
- Resolved warning messages on content protection screen.