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Frumentarii Security Malware Scanner and Anti Virus


W’re very sorry , but this package is not maintained anymore , Best.

Ekrano nuotraukos

  • Frumentarii dashboard.
  • Frumentarii malware scanner in-progress.
  • Scan Result , you can find two tabs one for infected files and one for suspecious files.
  • With our smart editor you can find the lines infected highlighted so you can fix it later.
  • You can open scan histroy anytime to find old scan results.
  • within your dashboard you can ask for support or order an expert help to clean your website.


  1. install your plugin and activate it and you are good to go


Installation Instructions
  1. install your plugin and activate it and you are good to go
What is that plugin do ?

Frumentarii scan your website to detect malwares and backdoors

is this plugin for free

Yes, Frumentarii plugin is for free but its limited to number of files scanned. You can scan unlimited number of files by upgrading to premium plan.

Will Frumentarii Security slow my site down?

No , Frumentarii uses smart analyze caching to improve the prefomance. So no need to worry about preformance or CPU Usage.


9 gegužės, 2017
Sorry seems like demo ware, running the plugin on a test server, I found it stops scanning at 2000 files. It claims to have detected 3 malware’s but when I tried to open the file it was blank. So it is limited in detecting and editing.
28 rugsėjo, 2016
I tested this plugin to check if something wrong with the website and it showed me a lot very good plugin I recommend it
Perskaityti visus atsiliepimus (5)

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“Frumentarii Security Malware Scanner and Anti Virus” yra atviro kodo programa. Prie jos sukūrimo prisidėję žmonės surašyti toliau.
