Šis įskiepis nebuvo išbandytas su 3 vėliausiomis WordPress versijomis. Jis tikriausiai nėra prižiūrimas ir palaikomas, todėl gali neveikti su naujausiomis WordPress versijomis.

Extended Featured Widget
The Extended Featured Content Widget is a powerful, light weight wordpress widget. You can decide, whether or not the post thumbnail is displayed,
whether the post title, post info, meta, content etc are above or beneath the thumbnail and a couple of more things. And of course, you can style
the widget individually. You can filter the content by category, post tags, taxonomy. Also you can include/exclude specific terms or
post/page specific items by ID(s). And many more features are integrated in this plugin.
Widget Features:
- Supporting Post, page
- Supporting Filter by Category, Tag
- Include/Exclude categories/tags by ID field
- Include/Exclude post/page items by ID field
- Turn on or Off Post title, thumbnail, post info, content etc
- Order by Date, ID, comment count, random
- Supporting offset field
- 4 Type Content option
- Full Content
- Excerpt
- Content by Character Limit
- No Content
- Multiple Hooks and Filters for adding additional content
- Select featured image size from drop down
- Select Image alignment and Image position
Shortcodes Syntax for Post Info & Meta
Post Date
[post_date after=”” before=”” label=”” format=”DATE FORMAT”]
Post Time
[post_time after=”” before=”” label=”” format=”TIME FORMAT”]
Post Author Name
[post_author after=”” before=””]
Post Author Name with Author Site link
[post_author_link after=”” before=””]
Post Author Name with Author Archive link
[post_author_posts_link after=”” before=””]
Post Comments Number
[post_comments after=”” before=”” more=’% Comments’ one=’1 Comment’ zero=’Leave a Comment’]
Post Tags
[post_tags after=”” before=”Tagged With” sep=’, ‘]
Post Categories
[post_categories after=”” before=”Filed In” sep=’, ‘]
How it is working
Here is the some examples:
This plugin is using lot of hooks and filters. Here is the list of those Hooks & Filters
- efwp_before_loop
- efwp_before_featured_post_content
- efwp_featured_post_content
- efwp_after_featured_post_content
- efwp_inside_loop
- efwp_after_loop
- post_content_limit_allowedtags
- get_the_efwp_post_content_limit
- the_efwp_post_content_limit
- efwp_do_post_meta
- efwp_do_post_info
- efwp_post_date_shortcode
- efwp_post_time_shortcode
- efwp_post_author_shortcode
- efwp_post_author_link_shortcode
- efwp_post_author_posts_link_shortcode
- efwp_post_comments_shortcode
- efwp_post_tags_shortcode
- efwp_post_categories_shortcode
PRO Version have following features:
- Supporting Post, page, custom post type
- Supporting Taxonomies
- Added Stylesheet
- Supporting Grid Style
- Pagination for Post Listings
Any suggestion highly appreciable.
Ekrano nuotraukos
Programuotojai ir komandos nariai
“Extended Featured Widget” yra atviro kodo programa. Prie jos sukūrimo prisidėję žmonės surašyti toliau.
AutoriaiIšverskite “Extended Featured Widget” į savo kalbą.
Domina programavimas?
Peržiūrėkite kodą, naršykite SVN repozitorijoje, arba užsiprenumeruokite kodo pakeitimų žurnalą per RSS.
Pakeitimų istorija
0.3 – 10/28/2015
- Fixed deprecated function WP_Widget
*Initial Release