Easy Digital Downloads Free Link


Replace the add-to-cart button in Easy Digital Downloads with a direct link to the download file when the product is free and has only one file. This only works when the file is an external link to a web-accessible file.

For archive pages on the Shop Front theme, the cart icon is replaced with a download icon and direct download link.

Want to see it in action? Check out the WebAware shop — it’s running this plugin.


Many thanks to the generous efforts of our translators:

If you’d like to help out by translating this plugin, please sign up for an account and dig in.

Ekrano nuotraukos

  • Download button on a free download
  • Download icon on Shop Front theme home page


  1. Either install automatically through the WordPress admin, or download the .zip file, unzip to a folder, and upload the folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Read Installing Plugins in the WordPress Codex for details.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.



Because I wanted to add my free plugins to an Easy Digital Downloads shop, without making it harder to download them from the shop than from WordPress.org plugin pages.

Are downloads logged in Easy Digital Downloads?

No. Downloads are direct from the site hosting the linked file.

Can I change the download link label?

Yes, see Downloads > Settings > Extensions. There’s also a filter hook, edd_free_link_label, if you want finer control over the link label.

Can I change the download link HTML?

Yes, there are templates. Look in the templates folder of the plugin. There’s also a filter hook, edd_free_link_template, if you want finer control over which template is used.


3 rugsėjo, 2016
Other plugin I used stopped working suddenly, I assume it is stopped by EDD because is too old and probably breaks some rules. This plugin, however works very nicely. Great job, webaware!
3 rugsėjo, 2016
I have used this plugin for a number of years and find it very useful – it works exactly as advertised. I decided to post a review today because after something went wrong I needed a bit of support and I was so grateful for the service. The developer is patient and helpful. Thanks for the plugin!
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Pakeitimų istorija

The full changelog can be found on GitHub. Recent entries:


Released 2018-11-25

  • changed: requires minimum PHP version 5.6 (recommend version 7.2 or greater)
  • tested: WordPress 5.0