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AK Bootstrap FAQ


Bootstrap FAQ plugin integrated with Custom Post Type. Shortcode [ak_bootstrap_faq].

The installation of AK Bootstrap FAQ plugin is easy and even a beginner can deal with it. It dispay FAQs category wise or normal list wise. Also there is a setting page for change the color of everything as you like.

The features of the AK Bootstrap FAQ plugin:

  • Two type of view 1. category & 2. normal
  • Unlimited FAQs and category support
  • Send answer to user via mail
  • Post user’s question answer
  • Change color from admin section
  • Responsiveness
  • Compatible with WordPress standard themes
  • Option to expand/collapse FAQs

Ekrano nuotraukos

  • FAQs page.
  • Settings page.
  • Normal view.
  • category view.
  • Design change.


Upload the AK Bootstrap FAQ plugin to your blog, Activate it.

Kā piemēram

  1. Upload ak-bootstrap-faq to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.


How to change the colors?

If you whant to change the colors, then go to AK Bootstrap FAQ > AK Bootstrap FAQ setting page after installing.

Display mode:

Display mode is for front view. If you choose ‘Normal’, then your FAQs will be shown as a list. Or if you choose ‘Category wise’, then FAQs will be shown as a list through category.


7 balandžio, 2017
1.Can’t display more than 10 FAQs. 2.Can’t display single category. 3.Once you got some text with the FAQs, the FAQs will always at the top of the post. —————— I checked the support forum, someone mentioned the same issue, but there’s no reply. Bad support.
3 rugsėjo, 2016 2 replies
Doesn’t work with my theme. Basically, it destroys my right sidebar and some other errors like my dropdown menu. I was so promising.
Perskaityti visus atsiliepimus (3)

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  • Latest version